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There are many things in the Bible and I’d like to point some of them out to you:

#1- God’s name is Elohym, Genesis 1:1

#2- Elohym is male and female, Genesis 1:27.

#3- Female’s name is Ruach Elohym, Genesis 1:2

#4- Male’s name is Yehovah Elohym, Genesis 2:4

#5- Elohym’s first act of creation was Yehoshua, Colossians 1:15

#6- Yehoshua’s first physical form was LIGHT, Genesis 1:3

#7- Yehoshua first name was Pele = Wonderful, Judges 18:13

#8- First alien abduction (Quantum Leap) was Enoch, Genesis

#9- Second abduction was Elijah, (spaceship- chariot of fire)

#10- First motorcycle was a Triumph, when David’s Triumph was heard throughout the land (joke)

#11- Yehoshua was an Angel (Angel of Yehovah) before he was a man

#12- Yehoshua had 4 brothers and at least 2 sisters.

#13- The 10 Commandments were given by the angels, not God

#14- Elohym’s 5 Commandments were given in Genesis 1:26 & 28

#15- Yehovah has a physical body and sits on a throne in Heaven.

#16- Yehovah is also known as Melchizedek, King of Peace.

#17- Yehoshua is Prince of Peace, Melchizedek’s son.

#18- The only Book of the Old Testament that does not have Elohym’s name is Esther.

#19-  In the genealogy of Yehoshua in Matthew there are 4 women listed:  Tamar (had sex with father-in-law, playing a temple prostitute) Ruth (a non-Jew and “slept” with Boaz before marrying him), Bathsheba (committed adultery with David) and Mary (a virgin, who slept with nobody). What is odd is that Jewish genealogies normally only listed the males.

#20- The Holy Spirit is a SHE, not a HE, Genesis 1:2

#21- Since Elohym is male (Yehovah Elohym) and female (Ruach Elohym) when They pro-created Their only begotten son, Yehoshua They became “God, the Father” and “God, the Mother”.  Christians have a “God, the Father” and “God, the Son” but no Mother, go figure.

#22- Satan called “God” a liar, Genesis 3:4.

#23- People had the same language and worked together, Genesis 11:4

#24- People were so far advanced (nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them) at the Tower of Babel that Yehovah Elohym felt it necessary to interfere with them by confusing their language and dispersing them throughout the earth, Genesis 11:6

#25- first act of homosexuality by son, doing his father, Noah.  Curse given.  Noah saw what his son had DONE to him.

#26- Eve had children BEFORE she ate of the “apple”.  Curse was that she’d have pain multiplied in her child birthing.  Apparently before there was no pain.

#27- The name Methuselah means “after his death, it will come”, referring to the flood.  Could you imagine having this moniker hanging around you?  Everybody had to make sure he lived.  969 years.

#28-  Only person living longer than Methuselah was Enoch, his father who didn’t die but was abducted into Heaven and is alive today.

#29- by my calculations Yehoshua’s birthday was September 11, -2.

#30- Yehoshua was used as a “tool” by Elohym to create all things.  It was through Yehoshua that all things were created.  He is our creator.

#31- Yehoshua means “Yah’s Salvation” or “Salvation of Yah”)

#32- Since Elohym has no time, when They pro-created Yehoshua, time began and he is known as the “Father of Eternity”, not Eternal Father.

#33- Some people who believe in “God, the Father” call Him, Dad, Daddy, Father, Heavenly Father or LORD.  If that is the case and they accept Ruach Elohym as the female half of Elohym She could be called, “Mom, Mommy, Mother, Universal Mother (She is spirit and is everywhere), or LADY, no?  As a child of Elohym you have a Mom and Dad.

#34- Persecution promised to believers.

#35- We existed BEFORE the foundation of the earth.

#36- At the beginning we could talk with animals (serpent), and were able to talk to Yehovah face-to-face.

#37- Yehoshua died on a Thursday (not Friday as Catholics believe)

#38- Prayer is a direct line to Elohym

#39- Yehovah doesn’t have His own spirit, Ruach Elohym is His.

#40- Satan is a) god of this world b) Prince of the Power of the Air c)Deceiver of the world.

#41- Church service was held Friday evening or Saturday, never on Sunday.

#42- You will never go broke by giving.

#43- Abundant Life on earth is

#44- Stargate to Heaven discovered by Jacob, Genesis 28:17

Hidden Things

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