Family of Elohym (אלהים)
Are you ignorant?
Google has this for the meaning of ignorant:
1. lacking knowledge, unaware
2. lacking or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.
3. (informal) discourteous or rude.
Most Americans and non-Hebrew readers are ignorant to the information given here in Genesis 1:1 from the Hebrew:
In beginning ELOHYM created the heavens and the earth.
Here is the King James version:
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Because the translators removed the proper noun (name) Elohym and replaced it with a common noun, God, everyone is ignorant to the Creator's name, Elohym.
If you are an erudite (having or showing great knowledge or learning), then you will take the knowledge provided in this website and incorporate it into your database and no longer be ignorant of who “Elohym” of the Torah is. (or Their son, Yehoshua)