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Human History- Synopsis

Adam and Eve starts off our story as being formed out of dust by Yehovah Elohym.  They created in Elohym’s image, male and female and likeness, body and spirit/soul.  They were given control and rule over all things on earth and lost this right when Eve was deceived by Satan (serpent). What was left were 3 commands: be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth which seems to revolve around the sex act. Could be why men have nothing but sex on their minds.

After their first digression, their son, Cain, ends up killing his brother Abel.  Later on, another murder, and multiple wives.  Finally, Yehovah was fed up with humans as He said that all that was in their hearts was evil, so He sent a flood to kill all humans and thing on the earth, leaving us with 8 individuals: Noah and his wife, their 3 sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth and their 3 wives.

Instead of filling the earth the humans banded together and decided to create a massive “condo” complex called the Tower of Babel.  They were so advanced that Elohym said that nothing would be impossible for them to do and They interfered and confused their language and spread them out; never again being a united front.

Yehovah made friends with Abraham and chose him to become “His people”.  He gave him the promise of a child, Isaac, who would become the father of many nations. Yehovah changed Abram’s name to Abraham and his wife’s name from Sarai to Sarah.  When Isaac grew Yehovah asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.  Abraham followed the directions and as he was raising the knife to kill Isaac, Yehovah stopped him.  Abraham is known as “The Father of the Faith” and “Friend of God”.  Yehovah said that whoever blessed Abraham He would bless and whoever cursed Abraham, He would bless.

Isaac begat Jacob (Yehovah changed his name to Israel), who had 2 wives and 2 concubines and produced 12 male children who became the tribes of Israel.

From him became the nation of Israel and the people were called Jews and the Old Testament is full of their victories and defeats.

Jacob’s son, Joseph, was sold as a slave by his oldest brother Reuben to Egyptians.  Joseph was known for his having dreams and visions.  One dream had his father, mother and brothers bowing down to him.  He was Jacob’s favorite.  While a slave in Egypt Joseph interpreted a dream for the Pharoah which predicted a 7-year period which had a period of 3.5 years of abundance and a drought of 3.5 years. Joseph was promoted to 2nd in charge of ruling over Egypt.  During his leadership Joseph was able to obtain all the lands from the people and had them working for the Pharoah.  In this drought a great famine occurred and Jacob and his family ended up moving to Egypt.  Other than the land of Israel, Egypt has had a place in Yehovah’s heart. While in Egypt a new Pharoah arose, who subjected the Jews to slavery.  Moses was born a Jew, placed in a basket and floated in the Nile and the Pharoah’s daughter took him in and raised him.  Through him Yehovah used him to free the Jews by sending 10 plagues, with the last being the death of the firstborn male.  Which the Jews celebrate with a feast called “Passover”.

The Jews were freed and ended up spending 40 years in the desert

Along the way the Jews see kings ruling over the people and end up rejecting Yehovah as their leader and ask Him to provide a king for them.  Prior to a king being appointed they had Judges ruling over the people.

Yehovah appoints Saul as the first king and the nation was on the brink of destruction by the Philistines and a giant named, Goliath. They had a one-on-one duel and a shepherd boy named took on the challenge and defeated Goliath with a sling and a stone.  Later David becomes the second king of Israel.  He had an adulterous affair with Bathsheba, had her husband murdered and took her for a wife (he had 7 in total).  She bore Solomon who was the wisest man and richest man ever and was in the genealogy line of Yehoshua.  Solomon had 300 wives and 700 concubines, gold and diamond mines. He rebuilt the 2nd Temple. 

Along the way comes a boy David, who ends up killing a giant, Goliath

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