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Literally, the "fruit of the Spirit" is what happens when the Holy Spirit indwells a believer. The "fruit" is the product of the Holy Spirit’s cultivation of character in a heart. Galatians 5:22-23 describes what that fruit looks like; the second characteristic listed is joy.

The Greek word for joy is chara. Joy is the natural reaction to the work of Yehovah, whether promised or fulfilled. Joy expresses His kingdom—His influence on earth (Romans 14:17). The Spirit’s production of joy can manifest in several different ways:

The joy of deliverance: When Elohym sets someone free, rejoicing is in order.

1 Samuel 2:1: Hannah was filled with joy at her deliverance from her enemies.

Acts 12:14: The servant girl was so overjoyed that Yehovah had rescued Peter from prison that she forgot to let Peter in the house.

The joy of salvation: Our greatest reason to be joyful is that yehovah wants to save us and spend eternity with us. Nothing is better than this.

Luke 15:7: All heaven is joyful when a person accepts His provision of salvation.

Acts 8:8: The people of Samaria were joyful as they heard the gospel and sawYehovah’s power in healing the sick.

Acts 13:5215:3: Jewish believers rejoiced when they heard of the work of the Holy Spirit in saving Gentiles.

The joy of spiritual maturity: As the Holy Spirit works in us to bear more fruit, we become confident in His promises and rejoice in our walk with Him and with other believers.

John 15:11: The fullness of joy comes to those who continue in the love of yehoshua and obey Him.

2 Corinthians 1:242:37:41 Thessalonians 2:19-203:9: Paul knew joy as the churches gave evidence of the Holy Spirit working among them.

Philippians 2:2: Groups of believers who unite in demonstrating the mind, love, and purpose of The Messiah bring joy to others.

Hebrews 10:3412:2James 1:2-4: Believers, following the example of yehoshua, endure persecution because of the promise of future joy.

The joy of Yehovah’s presence: The Holy Spirit draws us to Him, in whose presence we can know true joy. Without the Holy Spirit, no one would seek Him.

Psalm 16:11: “You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

Matthew 2:10Luke 1:14: Mary and the shepherds were joyful because Immanuel had been born.

Matthew 28:8Luke 24:41: The women who went to Yehoshua's tomb and the disciples were overjoyed that He rose from the dead.

The Greek chara is closely related to charis, which means “grace” or “a gift.” Chara is the normal response to charis—we have joy because of His grace. The next step in the progression is to allow our joy to become an action as we express it, although sometimes joy can be so great it is inexpressible (1 Peter 1:8).

Possessing joy is a choice. We choose whether to value Yehovah’s presence, promises, and work in our lives. When we yield to the Spirit, She opens our eyes to His grace around us and fills us with joy (Romans 15:13). Joy is not to be found in a fallen world; it is only fellowship with Elohym that can make our joy complete (1 John 1:4).

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