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Statement of Beliefs

God’s name is Elohym, Genesis 1:1

Elohym is male and female, Genesis 1:27


Female’s name is Ruach Elohym, Genesis 1:2 aka “The Holy Spirit”


Male’s name is Yehovah Elohym, Genesis 2:4 (Heavenly Father)


Elohym’s first act of creation was Their only begotten son, Yehoshua. (John 3:16, Colossians 1:15, Revelation 3:14)


Salvation* is in the name of Yehoshua. At which time we physically get baptized in the name of Yehoshua and spiritually we receive Ruach Elohym (Holy Spirit); which are the baptisms of “Water” and “Spirit”.

     *- the act of Salvation is confessing of one’s sins, asking for forgiveness (contrite heart),             believing and being baptized**.

     **- the “work” of baptism is not a requirement, just is the natural progression for a                     person to publicly show. 


When we believe in Yehoshua we become adopted children of Elohym and heirs, just as Yehoshua is.


Yehoshua told us to baptize and make disciples in his name.


His commandment for us to follow is LOVE, as love does no wrong.  


Actions of Believers

Make disciples and baptize in name of Yehoshua, the son of Elohym.

Encourage others to follow the teachings of Yehoshua.

Our focus is to have people be saved in the name of Yehoshua.

Pray at all times. Be content in all things. Do not worry.  Ask, believe, receive.  Meet together with believers.

Give thanks. Give thanks, again. And again.

Greet each other (like in the movie, “God’s not dead”) = Elohym is good (EIG).  Response:  All the time (ATT), and repeat: ATT EIG. 

Do not be divisive or cause dissension.  Be united, bring unity.  Encourage and lift others up and help them to grow.  Be positive. Call a sin, a sin.

Citizenship is in Heaven (names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life).

Believe in the Bible and be ready to give an answer for why we believe.  Read the Bible and use as foundation for beliefs and answers. Because you believe in the Bible, we are called Biblians (add to your dictionary).

The Bible is to be lived in our hearts and lives and therefore each message written is for the application of each believers. The above “Statement of Beliefs” is there to give an understanding of who God (Elohym) and Their son, Yehoshua are.

If another person being witnessed to chooses to maintain their beliefs, followers of Yehoshua aren’t required to “push” their beliefs upon them as it is Ruach’s job to accomplish the action (Isaiah 55:11).  Not to sound superior but the Bible says not to throw pearls before swine, so move along and do not be argumentative; they have a “right” to their beliefs.

Since we are forgiven sinners, we are to live our life in GRACE, not judging self or others.

Since we have Ruach Elohym (Holy Spirit) dwelling in us we will be able to do all the things Yehoshua did in order to save people.

LOVE:  Elohym (God) (with all of heart, soul, mind and strength), self, neighbors, fellow believers, enemies; as love does no wrong.

Here on this site, we encourage others to use the names given here.

Followers are:  Servants (not taking on titles or “lording” it over others), children of Elohym, sibling of Yehoshua.  Since Yehoshua bought us with his blood, some will refer to him as Lord. 

Paul’s teachings are different than Yehoshua as Paul made churches and not disciples.  Today to make a disciple you only need a kitchen table, Bible, and student; which costs no money.

Since we all are servants beware of those taking on titles:  Pastor, Apostle, Deacon, Father, Reverend, Shepherd, Teacher* etc.

*- someone who teaches of course will be a “teacher”, Yehoshua however is the only “Teacher”.

“Speaking in tongues” as an individual prayer language is to be done in one’s own closet and has nothing to do with salvation and is not something that is required of a believer.  As Paul said, it is better to speak one sentence that others understand than 10,000 words of a language that “no one”, even the speaker understands.  Since “speaking in tongues” is unverifiable it is equal to “gibberish” as nothing said is known.  In my experience this has been a divisive point in congregations and does nothing in providing Salvation, but was highlighted to indicate one’s own “spiritualism”.  Don’t get brought into this vicious cycle, please.


We encourage followers here to speak words leading to salvation because if they remain silent, how will people be saved?  Terms for this action are:  Witness, Preach, Give a Testimony, Be a Missionary, making disciples.

However, some people are given other things to do with their lives such as to show “Hospitality”, so the above sentence is not universal.

Elohym will use each person’s qualities as They see fit.  Sometimes referred to as a “Calling”.

Believers are to meet regularly with others. Wherever two or three are gathered in Yehoshua’s name, he is in their midst.

This is my belief statement:

I am a “Biblian”, I believe in the Bible. I am a child of Elohym.

My view of my beliefs:

I am a sinner; I confessed my sins, asked for forgiveness (received forgiveness) and accepted Yehoshua into my heart


Elohym is the name of God in the Bible, Genesis 1:1.

Elohym consists of male and female essences. Genesis 1:27

Female essence = Ruach Elohym.  Genesis 1:2

Male essence = Yehovah Elohym, Genesis 2:4

                       = Melchizedek, Hebrews 7:1

Melchizedek means, “King of Righteousness” and He is King of Peace, and Priest to Elohym, God Most High.


Yehoshua is co-creator and co-savior with Elohym.

Yehoshua is a Priest forever, according to the Order of Melchizedek.

Yehoshua is Prince of Peace, his Father is King of Peace.

Yehoshua, the man, is the only mediator between men and God.


I am a Disciple of Yehoshua, the son of Elohym.

I am a Priest according to the Order of Melchizedek.

I am a Prince of Peace; Melchizedek is my adopted Father.

I am an adopted Son of Elohym (God), Yehoshua is my brother.

I am here to bring Salvation that Elohym and Yehoshua provided.

I, too, am a sinner, saved by Grace.


David “Elohym”

SALVATION is all that matters.

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