Family of Elohym (אלהים)
The Mother is the female half of Elohym, Genesis 1:27.
Her name is Ruach Elohym, Genesis 1:2. Christians have “The Holy Spirit”, a HE. Read Article
She consists of 7 spirits, Isaiah 11:1-2. Read Article
She is spirit and is everywhere. She is the POWER of Elohym, whereas Yehovah Elohym is the “face” (Avatar, physical manifestation) of Elohym. This is why the Jews only have YHVH as their G-d. To them Ruach Elohym is a spirit inside of YHVH (not Elohym) and therefore is not Her own person. But the Bible demonstrates otherwise.
THINK: If you have God, the Father there MUST BE a God, the Mother and Ruach Elohym (Holy Spirit) is that person.
Female; Ruach Elohym רוח אלהים
Genesis 1:2 Identifies the female half of Elohym, Ruach Elohym, as the one preparing the world for its remodeling. She is identified with a first name Ruach (spirit, feminine) and last name, Elohym. Here is the same sentence with the only difference, one has Her name and the other has removed Her name and replaced it with “Spirit of God”.
Genesis 1:2
KJV-The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.
Hebrew- The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and Ruach Elohym was moving over the surface of the waters.
In order to confuse the reader and the public it is necessary to remove God’s only name, Elohym and replace it with a generic common noun, "God". Next, they remove the female’s name, Ruach Elohym, and replace it with "the spirit of God". Finally, the male’s name, Yehovah Elohym, is replaced with LORD God.
By doing this they have created the concept that LORD God is the Big Kahuna (Only God)
and the "spirit of God" is part of Him (not 1/2 of Elohym) and is not Her own identity. Thereby making God a HE, and not a combination of male and female as Genesis 1:27 states that Elohym is.
Go ahead, ask anybody and see if they know that "God" is male AND female. They'll probably say God has no sexes/genders and that this verse is talking about "qualities" or "characteristics" or something else, but God has NO SEX. It is odd because the verse DOES say that Elohym is male and female and created us, like Them.
Next, because of their Bible version they'll say that God is a He and the Holy Spirit is a He as well. Listen to how people talk about God: He, Lord, Father. Nothing about a Mother.
When Elohym is used we know that this is God’s name and refers to the union of Ruach Elohym and Yehovah Elohym. Otherwise, 99% of the time, the Bible uses Yehovah Elohym or EL (god), who is only ½ of Elohym.