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Elohym Secrets

Elohym = אלהים  


Genesis 1:1 In beginning Elohym created the heavens and the earth.


Eloh (Base) = goddess, noun feminine, singular

im (Suffix) = masculine, plural (ending)


  • + ym      = Elohym

Fem + Masc= Elohym


½ + ½ = 2/2 = 1 Elohym


God gave us Their name (Elohym) in the first sentence of the Bible but translators chose to remove it and replace it with a common (generic) noun (God); why? To deceive?


Genesis 1:27 Elohym created man in Their own image; male and female.


We were created like God, Male and Female...God has genders, They say so.


Male ½ of Elohym; Yehovah Elohymיהוה אלהים


Physical appearance = Body


  • = Hayah (base) = exist..... יהוה  = Yehovah = I exist


Genesis 2:7 Yehovah Elohym formed man from dust with hands and blew into his nostrils with His mouth. (Has hands and a mouth)


Genesis 3 = Adam and Eve heard Yehovah’s footsteps and hid from His presence (spirit has no feet or presence).


Yehovah on a throne. (King)

Son at His right hand. (Prince)


Translators took away His and replaced it with a title “LORD God”; why didn’t they give the female ½the title “LADY God”?


Since She is known as the “Spirit of God” shouldn’t He be known as

The “Body of God”?


Some misguided religions will place “Jehovah” as their only God not realizing that Elohym consist of two halves, male and female, thereby showing their sexist viewpoint.Likewise, they will either eliminate Ruach Elohym altogether or have Her as part of Him, as His “force”. In reality if Yehovah Elohym wants to get anything done He MUST send Ruach Elohym to do the action as She is the power of Elohym.You might say that He is more of a figurehead sitting on a throne whereas She is spirit and is everywhere.


Female ½ of Elohym;Ruach Elohym רוח אלהים


Ruach = spirit; noun, singular , feminine


Physical appearance = Spirit


Genesis 1:2 Ruach Elohym covered the surface of the deep.


Revelation 1:3  Seven spirits of Elohym was in front of the throne.


Isaiah 11:2 (7 Spirits)

Spirit of Yehovah

Fear of Yehovah


1 Corinthians 2:11 Yehovah doesn’t even know His thoughts, only His spirit does.


Deception in Languages


  • - The word “spirit” in Greek is pneuma, a neuter noun, meaning it has no gender. However when translators talk about “it” they use “He” in stead of “It”.  In reality “Spirit” is feminine in Hebrew and the pronoun “She” should be used.

Furthermore, Elohym is androgynous, meaning within the ONE person are both male and female genders indicating that the better pronoun to use when addressing Elohym is “They” and not “He” because when you use “He” you eliminate the fact that the female essence exists and make the Bible male chauvinistic in its view. Another theological problem in using Greek and not Hebrew is that the NAMES Elohym, Ruach Elohym, Yehovah Elohym and Yehoshua do not exist and no one has a clue of the truth of these names making it impossible for anyone to follow the “True God” of the Bible; allowing for everyone to come up with any name they want for God.Ignorant people claim that “adjectives” are names. i.e. “Jehovah Jirah”; to begin with anything Jewish won’t begin with the letter “J” so the above “name” should be Yehovah Yirah with Yirah meaning “provider” and Yehovah being the onlyname.People will claim to give God 100s of names with one part being an adjective describing a characteristic and not actually being a name.When a person knows a little bit of grammar it is easy to see if a name is a “Proper noun” or an “adjective”.


Translators- For thousands of years translators have translated the proper noun “Yehovah” as a title, LORD.Nowadays the public knows better and are forcing translators to place the NAME back where it should have been in the first place.The Hebrew 4 letters YHWH can be transliterated as YHVH, Yehovah or YHWH, Yahweh allowing “scholars” to debate which to use in English.As long as you know that it refers to the 4 Hebrew letters you will do well and forego the debate.Ironically with the information available many translations have the proper name, Yehovah Elohym, as LORD God.Shortly these translations are going to have to do an overhaul and reprint their Bibles.



Order of Events


Genesis 1:1 God gives us Their name = ELOHYM


Genesis 1:2 Ruach Elohym prepares the earth for its in-filling.


Genesis 1:3 Elohym creates Their son = light; name = Pele  lp, wonderful


Genesis 1:4 Satan (darkness) exists and is separated from the light (Pele).


Colossians 1:16  Elohym uses Their son to create the universe.  Elohym AND Pele are the creators of the Universe....Pele is NOT God.  he is “Son of God”.


John 1:3


Genesis 2:7  Yehovah Elohym creates man from dust.


Genesis 2:22  Eve is taken out of Adam (he was androgynous)


Genesis 2:24  Sanctity of marriage foretold. Man joined to wife = one.


Genesis 1:27  Elohym is male and female. (They are androgynous)


Genesis 1:26 & 28 (Elohym’s 5 commandments):

1- Be fruitful

2- Multiply

3- Fill the earth

4- Take care of the earth

5- Dominion (Rule) over: (To rule over these they had to have capability to communicate with them)

Sea, Fish

Air, Birds

Earth, Animals


Yehoshua commanded the wind and sea to be quiet and they were; he commanded a tree to die and it died; had a fish give up a coin to pay taxes; told disciples if they told mountain to move it would; birds are symbolic of demons and he cast out many.Eve talked to a serpent and didn’t think twice about it.Ground opened its and the blood of Abel and cried out to God.


Genesis 1:29 Mankind was vegetarian.


Genesis 1:31  All that Elohym created was very good.


Genesis 2:3  Seventh day is blessed; rest from work.


Genesis 2:16-17Warning and consequence of breaking warning was given:

Don’t eat of consequence (not punishment) is death.


Genesis 2:25  Adam and Eve naked and not ashamed.


Genesis Chapter 3  Adam and Eve disobey Yehovah’s warning, death enters into our bodies. (We see that Yehovah has a body)


Genesis 3:21 Yehovah acts as priest and does first animal sacrifice; clothes them.


Genesis 3:15-16 Punishment (woman’s):  pain in child birth multiplied (had children before without pain).  Husband will rule over wife.  Man’s punishment: will toil in the field but the earth will also produce weeds. Sent out of the Garden of Eden.  Satan’s punishment: fighting with “seed of woman” = Yehoshua.


Genesis Chapter 4 Cain kills Abel and is cursed to be a nomad and is out of sight of Yehovah; receives a physical mark on him to distinguish him from others; has two wives.


Genesis Chapter 6:


Angels had sex with women and children were called Nephilim.


6:3 man’s number of years to be 120 years.


6:5-6 Then Yehovah saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Yehovah was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.Told Noah He was going to destroy the earth as all flesh was corrupt and violent.


Genesis Chapters 6-8 Noah builds Ark, rain falls for 40 days and nights and only 8 people survive the flood (Noah, wife, 3 sons (Shem, Ham, Japheth) and their wives.


Genesis 9:1  Yehovah’s 3 commandments:  Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth (all revolving around pro-creation (sex)).  Logic:  Any sexual act OR non-sexual act whose goal that does not produce offspring is against Yehovah’s commandments.


Genesis 9:2-3 Animals are given to mankind to eat.


Genesis 9:12  Rainbow given as Yehovah’s seal that earth won’t be destroyed by water again.


Genesis 9:21-24 Noah gets drunk and Ham (father of Canaan) has sex with him and is cursed for this act.


Genesis Chapter 11  Mankind chose not to fill the earth and decided to stay in one place and build the Tower of Babel.  Yehovah interfered and caused each family to speak a different language and dispersed them.  Abram(ham) is introduced.


Genesis 12:3  And I will bless those who bless you, 
And the one who curses you I will curse. 
And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”

v. 7 Yehovah promises the land of Israel to Abraham.


Chapter 13-14 Abraham and nephew Lot were herdsmen, had a falling-out and separated. Lot was taken as a slave and Abraham saves him.  On way home Abraham meets Melchizedek, Priest of Elohym (God most high) and gives a tithe (10%).  Melchizedek provides bread and wine (Eucharist)... symbolic of time when Yehoshua gives his disciples bread and wine at Last Supper.


Genesis Chapter 15 Yehovah blesses Abraham, tells him to look at stars and says the number of his descendants will be like the stars.  Prophecy given that Abraham’s descendants will be taken as slaves in Egypt for 400 years (4 generations) and then they will come back to Israel and possess it.


Genesis 16:2Sarai (Sarah) couldn’t wait any longer and has Abraham have sex with her maid and Hagar bears a son, Ishmael, for him.  Since he is first-born he has legal right as heir.  However, Sarah kicks out Ishmael and Hagar later and this begins the family feud over the land-rights of Israel. Finally 13 years after Ishmael’s birth Sarah has Isaac and contention looms.  Angel of Yehovah blesses Hagar and prophesizes that he will be head over 12 kings.  Abraham was 86 years old at Ishmael’s birth and 100 at Isaac’s.


Genesis 17:5  Abram’s name change to Abraham.


Genesis Chapters 18-19  Yehovah tells Abraham of Sodom and Gomorrah’s destruction.  2 angels go to Sodom and men of city refused Lot’s 2 daughters and try to have sex with them.  Lot, his wife and 2 daughters escape.  Wife turns back to city and is changed into a pillar of salt while the two cities are destroyed with fire and brimstone from heaven.


Genesis Chapter 22  Abraham is asked to sacrifice Isaac...which is a prophetic action of what will occur 2,000 years later on same hill with God’s son, Yehoshua. Abraham journeys 3 days (3 days in tomb), takes 2 servants (2 criminals on cross) and is about to kill his son when Yehovah provides the sacrifice (Yehoshua).  Why would Abraham kill his own son?  He had Yehovah’s promise that his son would bring forth a multitude so, if he killed Isaac he knew that Yehovah would raise him from the dead to fulfill the prophecy previously given to him.


Genesis Chapters 23-33Sarah dies. Eliezer (comforter), servant, finds wife Rebekah (church) for Isaac (Yehoshua), they have 2 sons Jacob/Israel (father of 12 tribes) and Esau.  Rebekah and Jacob trick Abraham to get the death blessing.  Esau swears to kill Jacob. Jacob goes north to house of his mother’s brother, Laban, and works 7 years for a wife, Rachel, and on wedding night Leah (older daughter) gets put into his tent instead.  After the week honeymoon with Leah, Jacob gets Rachel and has to work another 7 years.  Each of the wives has a concubine (maid)(Bilhah, Zilpah) and all four of them pro-create the 12 Tribes of Israel.  Jacob’s name is changed to Israel (Gen 32:28). Jacob returns home and reconciles with Esau (Gentiles-symbolic).


Genesis 25  Abraham married Keturah at 137, had concubines and other children, whom he gave gifts to instead of an inheritance.


Genesis 37:5, 28  Joseph’s dream. Sold to Ishmaelites, who sold him in Egypt.


Genesis 39-49  Egypt is blessed because of Joseph. Pharoah’s wife tried to seduce Joseph who refused her.  Pharoah doesn’t believe her so he puts him into dungeon to save face (if he had believed her he would have beheaded him). Joesph interprets Pharoah’s dream and is placed as 2nd in charge of nation.  All the nations go to Egypt to buy food as Joseph’s dream provided a surplus for the 7 year drought that happened.  Abraham and all sons go to Egypt during the drought.  Abraham dies and Joseph buries him with wife Sarah in Israel and then goes back to Egypt.  


Symbolisms in Genesis and New Testament


Abraham = father

Yehovah = Father


Isaac = son

Yehoshua = son


Jacob/Israel has 12/14 sons/tribes (Joseph’s portion goes to 2 sons Ephraim, Manasseh)

Yehoshua has 12/14 disciples (later Paul and Matthias (Acts 1:26)






SON = Beginning

Revelation 3:14 Yehoshua is the beginning of the creation of God. Son of God.

Colossians 1:15 Yehoshua is firstborn of all creation.... Light = image of invisible God.

Genesis 1:3  Elohym said, “Let there be light, and there was light. 

Judges 13:18  Name = Pele = wonderful, marvelous lp; son of Elohym

SON’s Names

When Elohym created Their first act it was to pro-create Their son and They called him Pele which means Wonderful or Marvelous.  Then They used Pele to create the rest of the universe, making him our Creator.  Then Elohym sent Their son to earth to die on the cross, making him our Savior.  Ruach Elohym placed Pele’s DNA inside of Mary and she called him Yehoshua when he was born.  However, the people called him, Immanuel = God with us.  Neither creating us nor saving us makes him “God”.  He is a pro-created being of Elohym and makes him the only begotten son of Elohym.  Since he comes from Elohym he cannot be Elohym.

*- The name JESUS

The letter “J” did not literally exist for the world until the 1500s AD.  The letter “J” did not exist in the Hebrew alphabet and still does not exist today. Since Yehoshua was born to Jewish parents they gave him a Jewish/Hebrew name that means “he will save his people” and Yehoshua means Yah’s Salvation and Yah is short for his father’s name Yehovah.  Because there is salvation in no other NAME Satan wanted to make sure no one called on earth would call on Yehoshua and had the world put “JESUS” for that name.  To add insult to injury Satan added the claim that “JESUS” was “God, the Son” which is an impossibility but is widely believed in almost every “Christian” religion as part of an ungodly Trinity. Furthermore, translators removed the Hebrew title “Meshiach” and replaced it with Greek, Cristo (English, Christ).  Hence, the “Christian” world has a wrong name (Jesus Christ) and a wrong God (Trinity).  Genesis 1:27 demonstrated that Elohym (God) is Male and Female (not 3 males), and the correct name is Yehoshua Meshiach.

A true believer won’t have a problem converting over to the correct facts.  Followers of Satan will fight the change and refuse to change even though they know they are literally incorrect as well as illogical.  For example, my father’s name is Ron, so am I #1- “Ron, the son” or #2- the “son of Ron”? Obviously I am #2 the son of Ron.  Or to make it easier, let’s use my mother’s name, I #1- Virginia the son or #2- The son of Virginia?  Likewise, Yehoshua CANNOT be “God, the son”. Another fact is that God has always existed but by definition a SON is a male offspring that comes into existence through being born....and has a creation point called a BIRTHDAY.


All things created through Yehoshua.

Time began with him.

Eternal life is IN him.

Colossians 1:16 All things were created by/thru Yehoshua and for Yehoshua; he is BEFORE all things.

John 1:3 All things came into being through him (Yehoshua) and apart from him nothing came into being that has come into being.

1 John 1:2 IN Yehoshua is Eternal Life.

Yehoshua is our creator but he is not our God.


Yehoshua ([Xwhy) = Yah’s Salvation; Born of Mary

Colossians 1:16 All things were created by/thru Yehoshua and for Yehoshua; he is BEFORE all things. 

John 1:3 All things came into being through him (Yehoshua) and apart from him nothing came into being that has come into being. 

1 John 1:2 IN Yehoshua is Eternal Life.

Matthew 1:21 [Xwhy  His name = Yehoshua = Salvation of Yah.

Will save people from their sins.

People will call him Immanuel. People will say “God is with us” (Immanuel)

Born a son ≠ God = Son of God

Salvation = Believe in Yehoshua; Son of God.

John 1:12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name*.

John 3:15-19; so that whoever believes will IN Him have eternal life.  “For Elohym (God) so loved the world, that They gave Their only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him (Yehoshua) shall not perish, but have eternal life.  For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name (Yehoshua) of the only begotten Son of God. “This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.”

John 6:29 The work of God (Elohym) is to believe in Their son whom They sent. 

Acts 2:38 Peter, Yehoshua’s closest disciple taught in this manner....“Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Yehoshua Meshiach for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Notice that the names “Father and Holy Spirit” are not part of the baptism formula.)

Acts 4:12

Matthew 1:21 Yehoshua will save the people from their sin.

John 1:12 We become adopted children of Elohym when we believe in the name of Yehoshua, Their only begotten son. .

1 John 1:7 The blood of Yehoshua cleanses us from all sin.

1 John 2:2 He is the payment for our sin.

Philippians 2:9 God exalted Yehoshua and gave him a name above every other name; at the name of Yehoshua every knee will bow.

Nowhere are we told that we are Yehovah’s witnesses, rather we are witnesses of Elohym’s son, Yehoshua.  The Jews are witnesses of Yehovah.


Matthew 28:18 Make disciples in name of Yehoshua, baptizing in his name.

LOVE-  Elohym with all of your heart, mind, soul, strength; love neighbor as yourself.

John 6:29  This is the work of God; believe in Yehoshua whom Elohym has sent.

We are told that we must produce fruit; increase the family of Elohym.

Acts 2:38  Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

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