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Son of Elohym

YEHOSHUA    יהושע


He is the son of God; the firstborn of all creation. 

His first name that he was given was “Pele” = Wonderful, Marvelous.

He is THE BEGINNING.  He has first place in all things and is before all things..

He is the beginning of Elohym's creation. 

He is the Word of God.

Through him all things have been created.

IN him is ETERNAL LIFE. When we receive him, eternal life is attained automatically, it is not something extra that he gives us.

His first physical form was LIGHT; the image of the invisible Elohim.

He would say:

I am the WAY; no one goes to Heaven and the Father but through me.

I am the TRUTH; all secrets and mysteries are hidden in me.

I am the LIFE; though a man dies, he shall live in me.

I am the mediator between God and Man.

I am the BREAD that came down from heaven.

I am the LAMB OF GOD; sacrifice that takes away the sin of the world.

I sit at the right hand of God.

I am the Prince of Peace, so my Father is King of Peace.

I died on the cross to bring Salvation and forgiveness of sins through my blood.

Through me the world can be reconciled to God.  All who believe in me as the son of God are presented to my Father holy, blameless, righteous and above reproach.  I consider them my brethren, children of God. 

My name is Yehoshua; Salvation of Yehovah; Hallelu Yah.

I am the GOSPEL; the Eternal Covenant.

I am the head of the Church, you are my body.

I am the future KING OF KINGS.

I “did” and “said” all that my Father taught me to.  Nothing I did was of my own volition.  If you want to know my Father’s will look at my actions and listen to my words because they are His. You may see Him, through me.

All mysteries and secrets are hidden in me.


I am a Priest forever, according to the Order of Melchizedek, my most important role until I return for my Second Coming. My followers will be ordained as Priests as well in order to make disciples in my name.  I am calling ALL but few will follow; is this your calling?


Understanding and knowledge:  I came to earth to give people a chance to be reconciled (brought back) to God. To let them know that through their sinful ways they were separated from God and would not enter into heaven.  I tried to provide knowledge and understanding directly to the people, but as usual they would not listen and had their own opinions and thoughts of what it would take to enter into Heaven.  I provided thousands of eye-witnesses and disciples, along with my closest 11 disciples to help spread my “Gospel” of what is necessary to do in order to enter into Heaven.  In short, the work of God is to believe in me, Yehoshua, Their son, and you WILL be SAVED, (not MAYBE).  Then you will make disciples baptizing them in my name and teaching others what I taught in the Bible beginning with LOVE.



The son is Elohym’s first act of creation, Colossians 1:15.

He is Elohym’s only begotten son, John 3:16

He was used as a tool by Elohym to create all things that came into existence, therefore he is co-creator of all things that exist.  He is our creator but he isn’t Elohym; he is the son of Elohym.  John 1:3, Colossians 1:16, Luke 22:70

He was first created as LIGHT. Colossians 1:15, Genesis 1:3-5

It is inferred that he was “THE Angel of the LORD”.

He was an angel prior to being inserted into Mary, Hebrews 1:5-14, Psalms 2:7

His name was Pele (Wonderful, Marvelous) prior to coming to earth, Judges 13:18, Isaiah 9:6. 

After Pele left his angelic body (Philippians 2:7) he was named Yehoshua (Salvation of Yah, short for Yehovah), Matthew 1:21 and Matthew 1:25.

He has many titles or descriptions such as “Messiah”. 

Salvation is only in his name, Yehoshua.  Acts 4:12

He is the Savior of the world.

He is our brother and an heir of Elohym.


Firstborn of All Creation (Son of God)


In order to understand who Yehoshua is you must know when he came into existence. Colossians 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.

Therefore, Yehoshua is the beginning and nothing existed before him except Elohim, who pro-created him, and thus is the preeminence of all things created by God, hence, he is before all things. Since he has a mother and father and had a specific birth he cannot be God and is the son of God; God’s firstborn and only begotten son.  His pre-Yehoshua name was Pele, “Wonderful”.


Our Creator (Light of World)


John 1:3 and Colossians 1:16 describe that THRU Yehoshua everything was created (by/thru and for him) and nothing came into existence without him.  The force or power of the creation came from God and Yehoshua is the medium thru which God created.  Therefore you would be correct to say that God and/or Yehoshua is our Creator.  However, with Yehoshua being our Creator does not make him God.


Angel of the Lord (Word of God)


In this unique position he was God’s messenger and spoke in the first person (as if God was speaking) and held the same power and authority of God who sent him.  It appears it was he who was talking in Exodus 3 when he talked to Moses and said “I AM” is sending you. 


Savior (Lamb of God)


John 3:16-17 states that God sent His only begotten son into the world and that whosoever believes in him will not be judged but will be saved from their sin.  Yehoshua told us that he was the Way, Truth and Life and that nobody could go to the Father but thru him.  John 6:29 says that the work of God is to believe in His son whom He sent.  Yehoshua also said that the words and works that he performed were not his but were those of God, his Father, who sent him.

Therefore when Yehoshua’s disciples asked to see his Father Yehoshua told them to look at his works and hear his words because they are exactly from God and consequently they would see God because he did nothing on his own volition and he was an ambassador sent by God.

Firstborn of the Dead, Colossians 1:17


Yehoshua died, rose on the third day and then was the first to ascend back into Heaven from when he came; in his same body—not a resurrected/different one.



Priest/Mediator (Order of Melchizedek)


Psalms 110 and Hebrew 7:17 state that Yehoshua holds his priesthood forever according to the Order of Melchizedek and that he is the only mediator between God and Man and since he mediates between God and man he cannot be God.


Future King (King of kings)


Yehoshua is due to return a second time to set up his millennium kingdom.  After the end of the 1,000 years Satan will be let loose and gather together his followers to fight against Yehoshua and his followers.  After the battle is over Satan, his devils and his children (followers) will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.


Future Judge (Lord of lords)


Yehoshua will turn his kingdom over to his Father who in turn will give him the authority to judge the people who in reality will judge themselves per John 3:16-18.


Eternal Son


Yehoshua’s first and foremost position that he held was being the son of God.  After he sits on the White Throne Judgment he returns to this position at the right hand of God’s throne; his Father being King of Peace and he being the Prince of Peace.




Greek Trinitarian Scholars – Deceivers


John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was WITH God and the Word was (of) God.


By removing the word “of” in parenthesis a translator can try to deceive people into thinking that the son = Word is the same as Father = God (Word was God).

However, they downplay the word WITH which demonstrates that there are two people being referred to in this sentence and not only one.  If the Word = God then there is only one subject and the word WITH is included in the sentence by error.  But the word WITH is not in error because it is reiterated in John 1:2 He was in the beginning WITH God.  Indicating that he/Word (subject) cannot be God (object); because HE is WITH God and is not God whom he is with.


Another verse they try to use to infer that Yehoshua is God is John 20:28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, my Lord and my God.  (To be consistent it should read my Master (or mighty one).)   Read the rest of the paragraph and you would not believe that he was called “god”: v 29-31Yehoshua said to him, "Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed."  Therefore many other signs Yehoshua also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these have been written so that you may believe that Yehoshua is the Messiah, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.  Yehoshua is the “son of God”, creator and savior but, he is not our God.

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