Family of Elohym (אלהים)
Yehoshua's dates and days for crucifixion
Julian Year 0033 Jewish Year 3793
Julian Weekday = Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Buried; After 6 pm =
14 Nisan (Fri; Jews)
After 6 pm – 6 am = 14 Nisan 15 Nisan 16 Nisan 17 Nisan
Jewish Evening = *(Friday) (Saturday) (Sunday)
Day's Beginning
Crucified 12 - 3 pm; Thurs
AM = Morning = 13 Nisan 14 Nisan 15 Nisan 16 Nisan
6 am to 6 pm (Thurs) (Fri) (Sat) (Sun)
Julian Date 31 Mar 33 1 Apr 33 2 Apr 33 3 Apr 33
*( ) = Jewish weekday is in parenthesis; A Jewish day is the Evening and next Morning.
It is easy to see how confusing it is when determining Jesus' death.
Jesus was crucified and buried on a Thursday by Julian calendars but, Friday by Jewish calendars. So, you should always get two answers, depending on who you ask.
For Jews:
Jesus was interred in the ground after 6 pm so, it was considered Friday, 1 Apr 33 or 14 Nisan 3793.
For non-Jews:
He died 12 – 3 pm on Thursday 31 Mar 33 and rose on Sunday 3 Apr 33.
Thus, he was in the grave 3 days and 3 nights.
Thurs eve to Fri morn = 1 day.
Fri Eve to Sat morn = 2 days
Sat Eve to Sun morn = 3 days
Many scholars that are non-Jewish use the 14 Nisan date which is a Friday for
Jews; but, in reality it is a Thursday for non-Jews. Logically, it is easier to work backward from Sunday morning when Jesus arose, to when he was put in the ground. He said he would be in the ground 3 days and 3 nights in the earth, Mt 12:40.
Let’s see how easy it is by working backwards, below.
3 days = Sun (am), Sat (am), Fri (am)
3 Nights = Sat (pm), Fri (pm), Thurs (pm)
Genesis 1:5 Evening and morning was the first day.
Matt 12:40 so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Acts 1:3 After 40 days…..
For fun I included the Chinese days of the week as their symbols illumine the life of Christ, also.
Yehoshua’s Life in the Chinese’s Days of Week
日= Sun, Sunday – Resurrected, 16 Nisan 3793;
3 Apr 33; ascended (Pentecost) 5 Sivan 3793; 5/22/33
Sun = Father (Bible)
月= Moon, Monday – Conceived 11/30/-3 Hanukah 25 Kislev 3759 Moon = Mother (Bible)
火 = Fire, Tuesday – Judgment; Future
水 = Water, Wednesday – Baptism; began ministry
10/17/29; 23 Tishri 3790
木 = Wood (tree), Thursday
– Died/Cross (Thurs): 12 - 3 pm; 3/31/33;
- Buried after 6 pm (Thurs) which becomes Jewish Friday, 14 Nisan 3793; 1 Apr 33
金 = Gold, Friday – Burial; Future Marriage; Trumpets
土 = Earth, Saturday – Birth (9/11/-2) (15 Tishri 3760)
circumcision 22 Tishri 3760) 9/18/-2
Possible Death, Burial, Resurrection and Ascension Dates of Jesus