Family of Elohym (אלהים)
Do you have a god? Who is your God? What is His/Her/Their name? Can you find your God in the Bible? What verse(s)? Do you believe in the Doctrine of the Trinity? Or Oneness? What are some qualities or characteristics of YOUR God? Omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, spirit, “one”, trinity, invisible? Write down your information so that you can compare your god to that of the Torah/Bible, which is summarized below:
The people that join the Family of Elohym here accept the following information and are wanting to be servants of Elohym in order to save others, the greatest miracle ever performed:
God’s name is Elohym*, Genesis 1:1 *- Elohim in English.
Elohym is male and female, Genesis 1:27, and we were created in that image.
Female’s name is Ruach Elohym, Genesis 1:2. aka Holy Spirit
Male’s name is Yehovah Elohym, Genesis 2:4. aka LORD God, KJV.
If Yehovah Elohym is “God, the Father”, then the female half of Elohym, Ruach Elohym must be “God, the Mother”.
Elohym’s LIKENESS is body (Yehovah) and spirit (Ruach), Genesis 1:26-27 and Adam was created thusly, Genesis 2:7.
Elohym’s first act of creation was Yehoshua, Their only begotten son (son of God) (John 3:16), the firstborn of all creation (Colossians 1:15), the beginning of the creation of God (Revelation 3:14).
Those that believe in Yehoshua will be baptized, receive the Holy Spirit and become adopted children of Elohym, hence they are the FAMILY OF ELOHYM. Mark 16:16, John 1:12, Romans 8:14-17,Galatians 3:26.
This site is to bring family members together to help reach out to SAVE people in the name of Yehoshua. It is also here to provide Biblical information about Elohym and Their son, Yehoshua, providing a foundation for their beliefs.
DISCLAIMER: We do not have a Trinity god of 3 males, Father, Son, Holy Spirit (He.) The Holy Spirit is identified as Ruach Elohym (female) in Genesis 1:2 and is the female half of Elohym. Since the son, Yehoshua, came about through the procreation of his parents, Elohym, he is not Elohym (God). There is Salvation in no other NAME = Yehoshua. The name Jesus did not exist until 1500’s AD, so it was not the name the Apostles used for Salvation or baptizing.