Family of Elohym (אלהים)
Elohym (God)
God’s name is Elohym, Genesis 1:1 Read Article
Elohym IMAGE is male and female, Genesis 1:27, and we were created in that image. Read Article
Elohym’s LIKENESS is body and spirit, Genesis 1:26 & 2:7 and Adam was created so, Genesis 2:7. Read Article
Elohym fades into the background while Yehovah Elohym (EL) comes to the forefront and dominates the Old Testament. Read Article
Elohym is male and female but is united as ONE God. The pictograph below shows how Elohym is one God yet is a male and female inside. The Christians’ godhead is a trinity of 3 males. Read Article
The Father is the male half of Elohym and His name is Yehovah Elohym, Genesis 1:27 & 2:4. Read Article
Another name for Him is Melchizedek, Genesis 14:18 & Hebrews 7:1-3. Read Article
The Mother is the female half of Elohym and Her name is Ruach Elohym, Genesis 1:2. Christians have “The Holy Spirit”, a HE. Read Article
She consists of 7 spirits, Isaiah 11:1-2. Read Article

One problem you will face if you choose to understand and believe this information: No American church accepts it.
Here is Genesis 1:1 from the Hebrew and in same word order:
In beginning created Elohym the heavens and the earth.
If you have studied English grammar the underlined word is a proper noun, NAME.
WHO created the heavens and the earth? Elohym.
WHAT is Elohym? All English Bibles say “God”. Thus, we know that God’s name = Elohym. PROBLEM:
Not a single American church will accept this sentence, even though it exists thereby establishing the conflict between American churches and the Torah.
If you have an English Bible all Hebrew names for God have been removed so, you’ll never be given the chance to know the information I gave in Genesis 1:1 & 1:2 & 2:4.
Genesis 1:27 states that God is male and female and we were created like THEM.
PROBLEM: Not a single American church has a female as part of their God. Their god is a trinity of 3 males, Father, Son and Holy Spirit (HE).
Elohym’s first act of creation was Their only begotten SON, Yehoshua, the FIRSTBORN of all creation.
The name Jesus did not physically exist until 1500 AD and since he was born a Jews to Mary circa year 0 she would have given him a Hebrew name, thus he NEVER had the name Jesus.
Yehoshua, which means salvation of YAH; Yah is short for Yahovah.
If you can incorporate the info in the pictogram to your beliefs and the name Yehoshua for your savior, all American churches will be in direct opposition to YOU and the Torah/Tanakh with the Hebrew names.
If you’d like guidance or answers please feel free to message me.
All answers I give will have Bible verses.
Note: Ruach Elohym is the name in Genesis 1:2. Translators put “spirit of God”. Christians don’t know Her name but, use Holy Spirit (HE). Ruach = spirit, feminine. I also use "Holy Spirit" with the understanding that the pronoun used would be feminine: She/Her/Hers.
Yehovah Elohym in Genesis 2:4 was translated by KJV as LORD God. They didn’t put His name either. Now the churches are beginning to accept Jehovah God, but still deny that Elohym is a name and continue to put the common noun “God” in its place.