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Elohym’s purpose in our lives is to bring us salvation.  They did this thru Their son, Jesus Christ, in an Eternal Covenant made before the foundation of the world.


Elohym foreknew what was going to happen in the future with Them and Their son’s creation regarding their willful disobedience and sinful existence that they devised a way to bring them back to a right relationship by providing them a choice regarding Elohym’s plan outlined in Their Gospel.


In short, Their Gospel was this:


Recognize that we are sinners.

Repent of our sins and turn away from them and return to Elohym.

Accept Elohym’s free “gift” to us:

          Their son: believe in Yehoshua the Messiah and you will be saved.

          Their son will die on the cross in our place as an acceptable

          sacrifice to Elohym, hence if we accept Yehoshua’s sacrifice his               blood will cleanse us from all of our sin and we will become

          adopted children of Elohym and will be “perfect” in Elohym’s eyes.


Upon acceptance of Yehoshua we will receive the Holy Spirit within us.

We are to make disciples for Yehoshua which in the Bible is called “producing fruit”.


When we arrive in Heaven we will receive:

          A new incorruptible body.

          A new name.

          White clothing.

          A mansion.

          Gold crown for each disciple we make.


Those who choose to reject Elohym’s free gift is promised an eternity in the lake of Fire with Satan and his angels.

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