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There is a problem with the Christian Trinity.

#1- They don’t have a NAME for their God.

#2- They cannot  (do not) give a definition for what God is.

#3- They do not give the characteristics of God and if they do it only applies to one or two individuals but not all three.

#4- They will say that God cannot be understood because we are human and cannot comprehend such a deity.

#5- The son is said to be “fully God and fully human”, if that makes any sense.  Called the Hypostatic Union.

 #6- The word “Trinity” is not in the Bible.  There are no verses that indicate it exists, whereas Genesis 1:27 states that God is male and female.  All references that claim to indicate a Trinity has to be inferred (and explained) by the person making the claim.

In order to negate all verses where Yehoshua (Jesus for those having a Trinity) is a son, they have to eliminate the definitions of SON and FIRSTBORN in our dictionaries and explain what the words mean in “Greek” so that they can try to confound and confuse you. 

Yehoshua claimed he was the son of Elohym, Luke 22:70. He is also identified as the 1- Son of Mary/Joseph 2- Son of David 3- Son of Abraham  4- Son of Man

Trinitarians will “say” that he is the “Son of God”, but what they really mean is that he is “God, the Son” the 2nd person in the Trinity.

Biblical Bi-unity

Genesis 1:1 has God’s name, Elohym,  while their god has no name.  Since their god has no name, they must deny that Elohym is God’s name.  They will lie and say it is a “title, but they can’t decide which title it is”.  Or they will tell you that Elohim means “gods” because  in other verses in the Bible it means gods, judges, might ones, angels.  However, they do not address Genesis 1:1 where it is a NAME (proper noun, subject of the sentence).

Genesis 1:1 (from Hebrew) In beginning Elohym created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:27 Elohym says that They are male and female (not a Trinity of three males).  In order to negate this they will give their opinion that their God has no sex or genders, contrary to what is written. Also, they can not dissect a sentence and understand what was written.  Their Bibles have “God” and not Elohym for the speaker.  HOW were we created?  Male and female.  WHOSE image is that?  Elohym.  WHO are we created like?  Elohym.  WHAT are Elohym?  Male and female.

Christian Trinity

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