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Debate-Elohym, Title vs Name

#1- Name vs Title

#2- Name – Meaning

#3- Elohym, Sexes

This article addresses whether Elohym is a name or a title (#1).

Here is Genesis 1:1 from the Hebrew and in same word order:

In beginning created Elohym the heavens and the earth.

If you have studied English grammar the underlined word is a proper noun, NAME, subject of the sentence.

WHO created the heavens and the earth? Elohym. WHAT is Elohym? All English Bibles say “God”. Thus, we know that God’s name = Elohym.

PROBLEM: Not a single American church will accept this sentence, even though it exists; thereby establishing the conflict between American churches and the Torah.

Ignorant people that do not know English grammar cannot identify the parts of speech and will lie and say that Elohim is a title.  If it were a title, it would normally have the word THE in front of the title.  Elohym did 30 actions in Genesis Chapter 1 and not a single time does it have the word THE.  Why would the Creator start off Their book with a title, before knowing who They were?  Books begin identifying their characters by name, not titles and if they do start a novel with a title it would have THE.  For example, In the beginning THE King/Lord/Father created….    

Next these liars cannot and will not say what the title is.  “God” is not a title.  Furthermore, this title must apply to both sexes as both Ruach Elohym (female) and Yehovah Elohym (male) have this last name.

People make wild and idiotic statements without any intellectual basis for what they say.  Then they will talk about how Elohim is used in some ancient scrolls and avoid replying to the one sentence, Genesis 1:1 where Elohym is the name of the individual doing the creating. 

Finally, people trying to deceive will talk about the second meaning of Elohim – noun, gods/judges/angels/mighty ones, plural and discard the discussion of Elohym as the name of the individual doing the actions in Genesis Chapter 1.  Elohym as a NAME for one individual (not plural) uses a singular verb whereby Elohim as a plural noun will use a plural verb; easy to detect if it is the name of an individual or is talking about a plurality.




Genesis 1:1 God’s name = Elohym

ELH (feminine) + YM (masculine) = Elohym; one being that is male and female.  I use the plural pronoun They, Them, Their.

Genesis 1:27 Elohym is male and female.

Genesis 1:2 Female’s name = Ruach Elohym

Genesis 2:4 Male’s name = Yehovah Elohym

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