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Elohym’s Name

God’s name is given to us in the very first sentence of the Bible:

Genesis 1:1  In beginning ELOHYM  אלהים created the heavens and the earth.

WHO created the heavens and the earth?  ELOHYM!  אלהים


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Very simple!  That SHOULD settle the discussions as to what God’s name is.

But people who don’t have Elohym as their God, debate it. 

First, let me show what each letter is and the English equivalent:

א = Aleph = no letter, but an “E” is placed to pronounce it

ל = Lamed = L

ה = Heh = H

י = Yod = Y

ם = Mem = M

E + L + H + Y + M = ELHYM.  However, to pronounce it as it sounds when spoken an “O” is added between L and H = ELOHYM

Here it is to help you pronounce it  El-o-heem.

In order for English speakers to pronounce it they changed the Y to an I, making the written word, Elohim.  I prefer to use Elohym when I am writing to distinguish between those that know Hebrew and the difference and those that rely on others to translate.  Those that use Elohim are unaware of the difference and don’t know who Elohym is.  I encourage the family members here to use Elohym to show that you are in agreement and know who the real Elohym is.  Other religions that know of Elohim have this as “God, the Father”, which is wrong and is the reason for making a distinction.

Biblical Hebrew is read from right to left and all the letters are the same size, and has no vowels.  Modern Hebrew has Niqqud points that add the vowels and show how to pronounce words.

Breakdown of the name in Genesis 1:1, linguistically:

Elohym consists of a base ELH and a suffix YM. 

When you remove the suffix YM, what remains is the base, ELH.

ELH* = base = noun, goddess, feminine, singular

YM = suffix (ending) = masculine, plural

ELH (feminine) + YM (masculine, plural) = ELHYM = Elohym.

*- In Hebrew there are two ways of writing “god” (noun, masculine)                  EL    ELVH.  In order to change god (EL) to goddess the female indicator letter (H) must be added making the word ELH.  The two words for a masculine god are EL (two letters) and ELVH (4 letters), but the word for goddess (feminine) is ELH (3 letters); this is what remained after separating the suffix YM from the word.

*- Jewish religious leaders/scholars want to claim/opine that the base is ELVH (Eloah), of which I can’t change. It is their “opinion” and agrees with their male biased theological belief system, however linguistically my statement above is correct.

A problem with the NAME Elohym having a feminine base and a masculine suffix as I state, is that it breaks Hebrew grammar rules.  If there is a masculine suffix, the base HAS to be masculine, hence a reason why religious scholars won’t except ELH as the base.  Big problem, IF the base was masculine and the suffix is masculine then the word MUST be a masculine, plural, noun. 

In Genesis Chapter 1, Elohym did 30 actions and the verb with each action is singular which negates the opinion that the base is ELVH. 

The word (ELH)(YM) shows ONE individual that is feminine + masculine.  Genesis 1:27 states that Elohym is male and female and we were created like Them.  This information is not new. 

Because I am not a Jew, I am not indoctrinated into their theological system of believing that G-d is a male as they call Him “Adonai = Lord”. 

Not a single language has an/one individual that consists of two different sexes (male and female) and therefore languages do not have a pronoun adequate to address Elohym.  Hebrew scholars use HE because the suffix is masculine, and their main G-d is YHVH, who is their Father.  I prefer to use THEY and remember that Elohym is ONE being, consisting of a male and female.  The Christian God consists of 3 males in ONE God.

With this in mind I translate Genesis 1:27 this way:

Elohym created man in Their own image, in the image of Elohym They created him; male and female They created them.

Here is how the King James Version has it:

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Now if God is only a male, He could not create us like Him because there is no female, but this verse says that God is male AND female. 

People say that God has no sex/gender yet they call God a HE. 

If you believe the Bible this verse says that we were created male and female, like Elohym.  Actual sexes, not “essences” or “features” of masculine and feminine characteristics.  

Further proof of this are the two individuals with the last name Elohym, that are male and female.

Female’s name is Ruach Elohym, Genesis 1:2.

Ruach means spirit, breath, or wind and is a feminine noun.  It is important to recognize the gender of this noun so that you can realize that Ruach Elohym is a female’s name.

Problem:  Translators removed this name and put “Spirit of God”.

Male’s name is Yehovah Elohym, Genesis 2:4. 


Genesis 1:1 God’s name = Elohym

ELH (feminine) + YM (masculine) = Elohym; one being that is male and female.  I use the plural pronoun They, Them, Their.

Genesis 1:27 Elohym is male and female.

Genesis 1:2 Female’s name = Ruach Elohym

Genesis 2:4 Male’s name = Yehovah Elohym

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