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Almost everyone will state that God has no sex or gender yet they call God a “HE”.

It is logical for God being a HE seeing that they also call God = Father, or Heavenly Father.  They also call Him LORD.

What does the Bible say about Elohym having a sex?

Genesis 1:27 states that God is male and female and we were created like THEM. PROBLEM: Not a single American church has a female as part of their God. Their god is a trinity of 3 males, Father, Son and Holy Spirit (HE).

How do we procreate a child? 

We have sexual relations (sperm and egg unite) and then 9 months later we are blessed with a child.

Note- Two men having sex together will not produce a child nor will two women having sex together. 

Who were we created like?  Elohym.  What was Elohym’s first act of creation?  Their only begotten SON, Pele (Yehoshua).  The Bible doesn’t say HOW Elohym begat Their only begotten son, does it?  All we know is that Yehoshua is the firstborn of all creation (Colossians 1:15), the beginning of the creation of Elohym (Revelation 3:14). And that his Father taught him everything to say and do.  The Father said, “This is my beloved son in whom I am well-pleased.”

The name Jesus did not physically exist until 1500 AD. He was born to Jews (Mary) who would have given him a Hebrew name, Yehoshua, which means salvation of YAH; Yah is short for Yehovah.

If you can incorporate the info in the pictogram and the name Yehoshua for your savior, all American churches will be in direct opposition to YOU and the Torah with the Hebrew names.

Note: Ruach Elohym is the name of the female half of Elohym and it is given in Genesis 1:2. Translators put “spirit of God”. Christians don’t know Her name but, use Holy Spirit (HE). Ruach = spirit, feminine.

Yehovah Elohym in Genesis 2:4 was translated by KJV as LORD God. They didn’t put His name either. Now the churches are beginning to accept Jehovah God, again denying Elohym as a name and continue to put the common noun “God” in its place.

One problem you will face if you choose to understand and believe this information: No American or Christian Church accepts it. No Jewish Rabbi will accept it. 

2- Elohym’s sexes; Male & Female

Bible proof that Elohym is male and female:  Genesis 1:27

Within the ONE Elohym there exists two parts (sexes/essences); male and female:

Genesis 1:27: Elohym created man in Their own image, in the image of Elohym They created him; male and female They created them.

The words male and female are actual sexes, not genders.

Think about it, WE were created like God/Elohym, male and female; They weren’t created like US.  In the context of this sentence IMAGE = male and female. 

Warning:  Many Rabbis, other religious persons and the uneducated will give their opinion that God has no sexes, even though this verse states to the contrary.  Also, they will use masculine terms, Father, LORD, King, and the pronoun He, which only refers to the male half of Elohym, Yehovah Elohym, who has a male SEX.

Opinion:  In Genesis 1:26 Elohim created man in Their image and likeness.  Genesis 1:27 states that image = male and female which leaves “likeness” a quality to be deduced.  I deduce that likeness = body and spirit and I will show you why later.

The female’s name is Ruach Elohym (רוח אלהים), Genesis 1:2.

The male’s name is Yehovah Elohym (יהוה אלהים), Genesis 2:4

Some people will waste time arguing about how to pronounce or write these four letters referring to the male half of Elohym; YHWH or YHVH.  Hebrew does not have a letter “J” equivalent and the first letter begins with a Yod “Y”, so technically any English name beginning with J would be incorrect.  However, the two most used are Jehovah or Yahweh/Yahveh. 

The male half has a body and dwells in Heaven and sits on a throne, when He separates Himself from the unity (echad) of Elohym.

The female half is spirit and indwells within the entire Universe. She is everywhere in the universe and whenever Yehovah needs something done He calls on Her.

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