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40 teachings of Yehoshua

1. Obey my commandments - John 14:15, John 14:21, John 14:23; 2 John 6

2. Love God and others - John 15:12, Matthew 22:37-40

3. Go and preach to all the world - Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19

4. Don't delay, do it now - John 4:35, John 9:4, John 12:35

5. Take nothing for your journey - Luke 9:3, Luke 10:4

6. Don't work for food - John 6:27, Matthew 6:24-33, Luke 12:29

7. Work for me & my kingdom - Matthew 11:28-30, Luke 12:31

8. Sell all that you own - Luke 11:41, Luke 12:33, Luke 18:22

9. Don't store things that you're not using - Matthew 6:19

10. Don't charge for what you do - Matthew 10:8

11. Give to God what belongs to God - Luke 20:25, Matthew 22:21

12. Don't waste time on argumentative people - Matthew 7:6

13. Invite the poor to eat with you - Luke 14:12-14

14. Give to anyone who asks - Luke 6:30, Mark 6:37

15. If you pray, fast, or give, do it secretly - Matthew 6:1-11

16. Don't use vain repetitions when praying - Matthew 6:7

17. Don't advertise healings - Matthew 9:30, Matthew 12:16

18. Take the lowest position in meetings - Luke 14:8-10

19. Don't be called Father, Mister, etc. - Matthew 23:9-10

20. Beware of hypocrisy and greed - Luke 12:1, 15

21. Take up your cross and follow me - Mark 8:34

22. Live in me, and live in my love - John 15:4, 9

23. Eat whatever people give you - Luke 10:7

24. Rejoice when you are persecuted - Luke 6:23

25. Move to another city if persecuted - Matthew 10:23

26. Love, bless, and pray for your enemies - Luke 6:27-29

27. Do to others as you'd have them do to you - Luke 6:31

28. Be agreeable with your adversaries - Luke 12:58, Matthew 5:25

29. Forgive others - Mark 11:25-26, Matthew 6:12, Luke 6:37

30. Cut off your hand if it offends you - Mark 9:43

31. Don't be afraid of people - Luke 12:4-5

32. Let the dead bury the dead - Matthew 8:22

33. Rebuke a brother if he sins - Luke 17:3, Matthew 18:15-17

34. When you judge, do it fairly - John 7:24

35. You must be born again- John 3:3, Luke 18:17, Mark 10:15

36. Don't make promises for any reason - Matthew 5:34-37

37. Don't sell things in God's house - John 2:16

38. Don't forbid others to preach Christ - Luke 9:50

39. Teach all nations to obey these rules - Matthew 28:20

40. When you have done all these things, say, "We have only done that which was our duty to do." - Luke 17:10




40 teachings of Jesus

1. Obey my commandments - John 14:15, John 14:21, John 14:23; 2 John 6

2. Love God and others - John 15:12, Matthew 22:37-40

3. Go and preach to all the world - Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19

4. Don't delay, do it now - John 4:35, John 9:4, John 12:35

5. Take nothing for your journey - Luke 9:3, Luke 10:4

6. Don't work for food - John 6:27, Matthew 6:24-33, Luke 12:29

7. Work for me & my kingdom - Matthew 11:28-30, Luke 12:31

8. Sell all that you own - Luke 11:41, Luke 12:33, Luke 18:22

9. Don't store things that you're not using - Matthew 6:19

10. Don't charge for what you do - Matthew 10:8

11. Give to God what belongs to God - Luke 20:25, Matthew 22:21

12. Don't waste time on argumentative people - Matthew 7:6

13. Invite the poor to eat with you - Luke 14:12-14

14. Give to anyone who asks - Luke 6:30, Mark 6:37

15. If you pray, fast, or give, do it secretly - Matthew 6:1-11

16. Don't use vain repetitions when praying - Matthew 6:7

17. Don't advertise healings - Matthew 9:30, Matthew 12:16

18. Take the lowest position in meetings - Luke 14:8-10

19. Don't be called Father, Mister, etc. - Matthew 23:9-10

20. Beware of hypocrisy and greed - Luke 12:1, 15

21. Take up your cross and follow me - Mark 8:34

22. Live in me, and live in my love - John 15:4, 9

23. Eat whatever people give you - Luke 10:7

24. Rejoice when you are persecuted - Luke 6:23

25. Move to another city if persecuted - Matthew 10:23

26. Love, bless, and pray for your enemies - Luke 6:27-29

27. Do to others as you'd have them do to you - Luke 6:31

28. Be agreeable with your adversaries - Luke 12:58, Matthew 5:25

29. Forgive others - Mark 11:25-26, Matthew 6:12, Luke 6:37

30. Cut off your hand if it offends you - Mark 9:43

31. Don't be afraid of people - Luke 12:4-5

32. Let the dead bury the dead - Matthew 8:22

33. Rebuke a brother if he sins - Luke 17:3, Matthew 18:15-17

34. When you judge, do it fairly - John 7:24

35. You must be born again- John 3:3, Luke 18:17, Mark 10:15

36. Don't make promises for any reason - Matthew 5:34-37

37. Don't sell things in God's house - John 2:16

38. Don't forbid others to preach Christ - Luke 9:50

39. Teach all nations to obey these rules - Matthew 28:20

40. When you have done all these things, say, "We have only done that which was our duty to do." - Luke 17:10

Here in the Family of Elohym I tried to condense some of the teachings that are more applicable, here:

  • Love God.  Love comes from the heart.

  • Love your neighbor as yourself and love fellow believers.

  • Forgive others who have wronged you.

  • Love your enemies.

  • Ask God for forgiveness of your sins.

  • Make disciples and be baptized in my name, Yehoshua.

  • He is the Messiah and was given the authority to forgive others.

  • He was given authority to give life.

  • He was given authority of all things.

  • Confession and repentance of sins is essential (then be baptized).

  • Don’t be hypocritical.

  • Don’t judge others.

  • The Kingdom of God is near. It’s not the rich and powerful—but the weak and poor—who will inherit this kingdom.

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