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Who is the God of the Bible compared to your god?

This website is geared to the God of the Torah, Elohym. More than likely your god is unnamed, or possibly Jehovah or Yahweh which is not according to the Torah. I can't use the word "Bible" because your Bible does not have the names of God and I therefore must state "according to the Torah".

I have explained in depth on this site who Elohym is. English speakers and "scholars" have even changed the name Elohym to Elohim to make it adjust to English readers. versus keeping the name intact from the Hebrew. I am using Elohym which is from the actual 5 letters of the name given in Genesis 1:1.

Religions have various gods so I ask you to read the articles here and compare your god to that of the Torah. Christianity claims to believe that the Bible is God's word, but what happens when the translations they put their faith in have been mistranslated and incorrect information given?

If you have a different god than that of the Torah, will you have the salvation given by Elohym?

It is important you read these sections as your eternal life starts with them.

This website here is not organized to debate other beliefs, it is here to encourage people who believe in Elohym's son, Yehoshua, to do the works he asked them to do.

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